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John 3:3 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Investing In People, Transformation Through Teaching, And Launching With A Purpose To Reach Our City!
Home: Welcome
At KCC we are committed to investing in people with our time and resources. We believe that transformation comes through teaching God's word in a way that people understand an comprehend. Our goal is to launch servant leadership that are capable of making disciples and changing lives for the glory of God. We are able to see this process develop through a ministry called KCC Circles small groups that function in homes during the week. KCC is a place where you can get involved and serve for the Kingdom of God. You are invited to join us this weekend and experience the presence of God. We are a church that loves people. We are non-judgmental and a ministry that is concerned about your soul. You don't need a suit and a dress to serve God so come as you are and allow God to transform your life. Our vision is to establish ministries such as KCC Circles Small Groups, KCC Seniors, KCC Youth For Christ, KCC Children's Ministry, KCC Food Pantry, KCC Soup Kitchen, KCC Women's Ministry, KCC Marriage Ministry, KCC Men's Ministry, KCC Dance Team, KCC Drama Team and KCC Music Ministry. We exist to build relationships and partnerships in the community and intentionally connect with people and resources that offer help to every individual in need. You can always expect dynamic worship, practical teaching, authentic love and a fun and safe environment for your kids. JOIN US!

Sunday Service @ 11:00 AM
Sunday School @ 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning Prayer @ 9:00 AM
Pastors D. Jerome & Sonya Davis
Join us on YouTube & Facebook @Kingdomchristchurch
Who We Are.
People are our Heart
We Value God's Word
We Value the Cross
Prayer is our Priority
Worship is our Lifestyle
We Value Fellowship
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